Friday, August 21, 2009

Dont Spend Tomorrow's Money Today

Saving money is a concept that has been so hard for me to learn. I recently received a new credit card in the mail, and what was the first thing I did... u guessed it, went shopping. Afterward I thought, why would someone send this to me knowing that I am already a broke ass college student?

What's more difficult is sticking to a budget. A couple months ago I decided that I was going to start saving at least 20 percent of all my income. Since then, how much do u think I saved... again u guessed it.... absolutely nothing at all. Yeah, Ive helped out the economy by taking advantage of all the major sales, but I have done nothing to help myself for my future.

So this is the new plan- Im going to be more diligent on working toward my goals. I decided to not only start saving the 20% but also take two days outta every week where I dont spend any money at all. This should help me to not go into my savings to buy extra stuff, hopefully. Well, I will keep yall updated on my efforts.

If you have any tips or suggestions to help stick to a budget, I would love to hear about em.

1 comment:

  1. Good Post. Even at my age I still have "issues" saving. I do a lot better than I have in the past, but it's good that you're doing this now at a younger age. Saving money is so important, we all should have that cushion should anything unexpected arise.
