Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Confidence vs Arrogance

Believing in your self is the most special thing that anyone could ever have. However, it's very unfortunate that some believe that a "higher" level of self confidence affords them justification to make other people feel less than. In this world loving both yourself and the next person for who they are seem to be a contradictory idea. Some may feel that in order for a person to love themselves, one has to discover ways to prove themselves in some way better by mentally and sometimes physically convincing others that they are superior. News Flash... confidence does NOT equal arrogance.

Confidence is derived from accepting yourself for who you are, as being an imperfect human with a distinct set of ideas that create an individualistic and unique personality which is YOU. We all cultivate our own set of morals and values from countless different sources. This means that some thing that I cherish or hold to be important, you may use to wipe your ass with and discard into a watery abyss. But thats ok, because we dont have to like or do the same things. It doesnt make you a better person or worse person, just different. Mind you, there are not 2 people alike, each one of us are different from another in some way(s), thus, we are all equal. There is no litmus test to compare personality (and any test designed to do so is a form of propaganda designed only to prove the creators' idea of superiority which others can not be held to). Judging yourself based on someone else's ideas only hurts you and forces you to forgo yourself in order to meet the criteria of something that you are not.

Why does this happen Stylz? I feel that this occurs because in order to better ourselves we must set fourth personal goals that create a personal path which we use to guide our lives. So in this sense we must create an idea for our self of where we want to end up. The closer we come to our goals the better we feel about ourselves. However, as a result of one viewing an incompatible characteristic as being ideal, their self esteem will become damaged due to the inability to achieve the desired characteristic. Thus, the only logical way to patch this psychological wound is to maintain some type of approval or envy from others.

Having ideas of superiority is simply a manifestation of having a low esteem level and trying to prove that it is not low. Its a way to mask something that one may feel is a flaw which prevents them from obtaining their goals.

Be yourself. Do what u can do, not what you think you are suppose to do or what someone else has told you that you are suppose to do.

I usually end my blogs with a question to ponder over and discuss since i love to understand the viewpoints of others. This brings me to the question for today. Why do you think some measure others else based on personal ideologies or expectations?

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